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Transform Your Well-being with
The Integrative Health Hub

Transformation | Connection | Healing | Community

Find the healthiest version of yourself with our integrated health solutions at the Dunsborough Health Hub.

Occupational Therapy

Functional Capacity Testing

We have seen vast changes in the world these last few years, 
we see people needing and wanting more than is often available in standard healthcare.

The world has changed, so why hasn't the way we approach our sickness and health changed?

We have researched and investigated how it is done in other countries that are leading the way in health optimisation and care, and we are excited to bring it right here! Online across Australia & locally 
in our clinic in Dunsborough.
We are laying the path for a more MODERN and HOLISTIC approach to truly help people heal inside and out. 



Chronic disease is the leading cause of death, illness and disability in Australia. In 2014/15, 50% of Australians had at least one prominent chronic disease, illness, fatigue or unexplained weight gain.

Our current and historical approaches to healthcare are not stemming this tide. The key feature of most chronic disease is lifestyle, not a pathogen. Simply knowing what constitutes a healthy diet or adequate exercise, is not sufficient. The prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic disease therefore requires evidence based supported behavioural change and this has not been the mainstay of health and medical care.

To combat escalating illness and disease in our community, we realise that we need health and medical practitioners equipped with skills to engage patients in making sustained health behaviour change. The evidence-based practice of ongoing support, coaching and accountability, when combined with the principles of Lifestyle Medicine, is a magic formula in helping this challenge.

"You dont have to be sick to become well "

Centre for Integrative Health - Pioneering a Modern and Holistic Approach to Healing



The Dunsborough Health Hub is an integrative health & wellness centre where we SEE and HEAR all of you, we help to uncover and determine the cause of current and long-term medical conditions. We offer the best comprehensive and co-managed care for every member of the family. Our team of experienced practitioners get real results for common health concerns in children right through to fertility and women’s hormonal regulation, food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies and autoimmune conditions.

Our strategy will involve a team work approach to help our clients achieve changes in lifestyle, diet and environment as well as incorporating evidence based conventional and complementary therapies to achieve maximal wellness for our patients.

We aspire to provide excellence in service to our patients.  We bring the strength of an integrative team approach where needed.

The Health Hub aims to empower people to regain their health.

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Often healthcare services are so fast and busy they fall short on providing the support patients need to follow their treatment plan after leaving the clinic. This unfortunately impacts the likelihood of success and is why so many people will see little improvement in their health.

In a typical setting, you’ll see a practitioner, then be left to your own devices to take action on your treatment plan. As soon as you leave the clinic, you’ll likely feel overwhelmed with the changes you need to make and may have already forgotten some!

Even with the best of attempts, you’ll likely encounter obstacles that, without any support or guidance, will cause you to give up not long after you begin.


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If you are looking for the extra support, care and coaching then In our Dunsborough clinic, our coach & nutritionist pick up from where your Dr left off, by helping you implement your treatment plan in a way that works for you. Our coaches are experts in the art of change, using NLP, Clinical hypnosis and CBT.  Your coach & health mentor will help you achieve your goals by avoiding common pitfalls and overcoming barriers that arise when making change. This saves you time, money and stress along your way towards wellness.

This fresh, team-based approach to your over all health & wellness is unique to The Dunsborough Integrative Health Hub, and we are excited and proud of what we are offering in our clinic.

Image by Sacha Verheij

Thomas Fuller

We educate & empower our clientele to make better healthcare choices so that they can lead a more active and quality lifestyle, for the long term!  


Our signature service is helping people break free from their physical issues and negative mindsets towards health – We understand that a client health and wellbeing is much much more than just physical so we provide coaching to seek out your why and connect this to your physical journey.


 We give you a step by step treatment plan that you can apply in your everyday life to live the lifestyle of your choosing.



Integrative Medicine combines safe evidence-based conventional and complementary medicines towards whole person care. Integrative medicine is not `alternative` medicine - but `complementary` to current medicine. While conventional medicine addresses a person's symptoms to treat the immediate problem, Integrative medicine focuses on WHY those symptoms exist in the first place. We advocate a preventive approach to healthcare where the patient can retake control of their own health and future by becoming an active participant in their healthcare.


We believe all body systems are interrelated and not isolated. On the initial consult our experienced Registered Nurse & Nutrition guru will completely assess a person's health condition. This will involve an extensive history and examination - history of not only the current problem but also overall health from conception. Conventional and functional lab testing is often ordered. Management includes reviewing the patient's body burden due to their diet, food allergies and intolerances, antioxidant status and toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, essential fatty acid and hormonal imbalances, neurotransmitter, digestive and endocrine system function.


Psychotherapy helps you to explore and understand your inner world in a deeper way. This is beneficial where long-standing problems originating in your past, persistently disrupt your life, for example through recurring depression or anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, difficulties in sustaining positive relationships, or addictive behaviors with eating or substance abuse.
There is clear evidence that chronic illness sits within the body due to past trauma and emotional pain.
Psychotherapy & hypnotherapy supports healing and change at a fundamental level allowing you to lead a satisfying and fulfilling life.


Our clinic includes a treatment room where intravenous nutrients, such as IV vitamin therapy, can be safely administered. By delivering vitamins directly into your bloodstream, much higher levels are achieved with more immediate effects than when taken orally. IV vitamin therapy will be tailored to your needs and may have benefits in immune health, body repair, energy production, and liver detoxification. The healing process may be sped up.


We all know that if we are in pain or have joint and back problems which can be caused by many things such as; work, accidents, sports injuries, household chores, and even the stress of daily living. This in turn can impact your mental health having a knock on effect to all other areas of your daily life. 

By working with one of our therapists chiropractor, Bowen therapist or myotherapist they may be able to help if you are experiencing aching joints or muscle pain that is affecting your ability to get through the day, or preventing you from doing your favourite activities.
They can also help you maintain healthy spine and joint function, even if you do not have painful symptoms.


Working with a coach is a great way to help get your health back on track. Most people know what they should be doing to lead a healthy life, they just don't know how to break the bad habits that prevent them from getting there. It's all about transforming their mindset - a person's assumptions, habits, beliefs, training while learning to understand their unconscious payoffs/rewards for not changing.

Someone may have been told to make changes in their lifestyle for health reasons but drop back to their usual way of being, or have habits of self sabotage. Our Coach is Clinically trained in hypnosis and NLP so can help you get to the bottom of those unconscious barriers holding you back. 

Our coach's will coach and mentor you to a whole new level of mindset & guide you every step of the way with your health and healing journey.

Image by Camille Minouflet

"What we think, we become"


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Integrative Medicine

Health + Mindset Coaching


Myopractic Therapy



The Whole Package

Teeth Whitening

Counselling + Hypnotherapy

Nutrition + Food Intolerance

Children's Health 

Naturopathy & Herbalism

“Lifestyle as medicine has the potential to prevent up to 80% of chronic disease. No other medicine can match that.” (Dr David Katz)

Making Great Healthcare Available, all at one HUB 

Our Vision & Values

we promise

Our aim at The Dunsborough Health Hub is to promote the emotional & physical health and well-being of our clients, their families and our community. 

we listen

Each patient is an individual, with their own genetics, individual upbringing and experiences. All this, combined with current lifestyle, medications, their emotional and mental state, exercises and nutrition, creates the circumstances in which the patient finds themselves.

we design

We take time to plan, design and manage your health journey from a whole person perspective and will guide you every step of the way.

we are a team

Dunsborough Health Hub provides professional, confidential and highly skilled Practitioners who work together as a team to give our patients the best person centered approach and are committed to sourcing current and leading conventional & integrative approaches to tailor a  plan that best supports your personal needs

Women Holding Hands

We offer an integrative based health care that’s
designed to get you well & keep you well

Want to join our team?
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