Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety has many different faces ranging from persistent, excessive unrealistic worries (usually fear of the future) to compulsions or obsessions (obsessive compulsive disorder) to worry about social situations (social anxiety) to panic attacks.
Anxiety focuses the mind into reacting appropriately to certain situations, activating the “fight or flight” response.
In most people, the anxiety normally recedes soon after the event, but for some, this emotional response can become chronic.
Everyone feels down, depressed or discouraged at some time in their lives, however, for some this is a regular, serious and ongoing illness or condition. When someone’s mood is low or flat and they lose motivation and interest, for for days or weeks at a time, they are likely to be clinically depressed.
Symptoms of depression are not only emotional they can also be physical and behavioural.
At the health hub our practitioners will help to identify what is happening within the body and elevate the symptoms . Our Counsellor & integrative practitioner can work closely with other professionals, such as psychologists, to integrate treatment of mental health to get the best possible outcome for our patients.

Whilst a stress response is normal in some circumstances, we are often living in a constant state of stress that undermines our health long-term. In fact, being chronically stressed and over-busy has become normal for many of us.
Acute stress is common leading up to an exam or job interview, but we are seeing a growing number of patients that are stuck in the stress response constantly.
Although we think of ‘stress’ as emotional or mental stress, it is actually a physical pathway in the body in which the adrenal glands increase output of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol.
Early signs of adrenal fatigue often start with fatigue that is worse in the afternoon, poor concentration or brain fog, anxiety or irritability and sleep difficulties.
Unfortunately, often we don’t listen to our body – after all, isn’t everyone stressed these days?
Let us help you get back to firing on all cylinders!