Kids Mindset coaching & counselling
As parents and guardians, our children’s wellbeing is our number one priority. We want nothing more than to ensure their development they live a fulfilling and joyous life. But what happens when they hit a stumbling block?
This is not an easy time to be a child. The increasing rates of anxiety, depression, attention problems, obesity, fears and increased use of psychiatric medications in children and adolescents are indicative of the stress our world manufactures, and the approaches we use to manage such stress.
Have you ever considered mindset coaching & hypnotherapy for your children? This type of therapy is a gentle technique that is incredibly well-suited for children. Hypnosis helps show children how to view themselves and their challenges through a different framework while coaching teaches them tools to manage their struggles and build their resilience in their own way by their own terms. We understand how important your child’s happiness is and we work to ensure they are truly experiencing the enjoyment of life.
By working with a qualified and experienced child therapist, your child will be spending more time doing things they should be doing, and less time being held back by their stumbling blocks.
As a qualified paediatric hypnotherapist, counsellor and coach the range of issues and concerns we can help you with include, but not limited to:
Soiling clothes
Thumb sucking
Separation anxiety
General anxiety
Social anxiety
Fears & Phobia
Diet and weight management
Academic success
Eating behaviours & disorders
Body image